Javascript Project for Flatiron Phase 1

So My Ho
1 min readJun 20, 2021

When I first started planning out this project, I initially wanted to do something about nutrition. However, it the API I initially chose threw me into a loop and it wasn’t feasible for me to make a single page application for this project. I wanted to make something simple and enjoyable so I decided to create “Dogstagram” which is the dog only version of current day Instagram. I picked a commonly used dog database API and began my journey to make this single page application.

I didn’t want it to look exactly like Instagram but I wanted the features like a comment sections and a like button. When planning out the layout, I wanted a drop down menu bar of all the dog breeds and when you click on it, it presented a picture of a cute dog.

My event listeners for this project was a comment section, a like button, and a zoom in button when you clicked the picture. I wanted it to be simple, yet effective.

The main issues I ran with this project was understanding my data from Dog API and running through cookie errors when coding.

